Nominations papers delivered!
Thank you to the neighbors and friends who nomimnated me! 24 proud patriots stepped up, and signed the nominations papers I needed to get on the ballot. I walked around my neighborhood with my daughter during Halloween, introducing myself as we knocked on doors. It was really quite enjoyable, and heartwarming to meet each of you!
The campaign begins now!
Election 'season' begins!
VBM (vote by mail) starts. Also, the 'early' voting period begins. Go to the county ROV office and vote in person. An entire month before 'election day'! Fill out your ballot on the weekend, after you get it. That way you have time to research what your voting for, and can discuss it with friends and family. Before you get your ballot, check to enure your registration is correct, valid AND you are STILL listed as Republican!
Election week, coming to an end.
Election day becomes 'election week', as you can go to any so called 'Vote center' ( no more precincts) and cast your ballot. Last day you can vote is March 5th... unless you mailed it.. then who knows! Just make sure you vote by March 4th to beat the rush. Click here to get automagically notified to cast your ballot! Once you send in your ballot, you can track and get notified when it's counted.